
Following Recent Serious Injury Collisions, Forth Valley Police Urge Road Users to Stay Alert

Forth Valley Police Division has issued a safety alert to road users in the Wee County, urging them to be vigilant and observant while traveling on the road networks. This warning comes in light of several serious injury collisions that have occurred in the area recently, prompting authorities to emphasize the importance of road safety for all individuals using the roads.

When questioned about the reasons behind this safety alert, Police Scotland revealed that a series of serious injury collisions had taken place in the region over the past year, highlighting the need for increased awareness and caution among road users. One such incident occurred last February on the A91 between Menstrie and Alva, involving a collision between a van and a cyclist.

The 52-year-old male cyclist involved in the accident sustained severe injuries and was rushed to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh in a serious but stable condition. This unfortunate event serves as a stark reminder of the potential risks and dangers that road users face on a daily basis, underscoring the importance of adhering to road safety guidelines and regulations.

Responsibility and Accountability: Minimizing Risks on the Road

In the wake of these incidents, Forth Valley Police Division took to social media to remind individuals that those with the power to cause the most harm on the road also bear the greatest responsibility to minimize the risks they pose to others. This message underscores the shared responsibility that all road users have in ensuring the safety and well-being of themselves and those around them.

As part of their efforts to promote road safety, police have been actively advocating for driving and cycling safety through initiatives such as Operation Close Pass. This campaign aims to raise awareness about the importance of giving vulnerable road users, including motorcyclists, cyclists, and horse riders, adequate space and consideration when sharing the road.

According to Rule 163 of the Highway Code, vehicles should provide motorcyclists, cyclists, and horse riders with at least as much room as they would when overtaking a car. This translates to a minimum distance of 1.5 meters when passing a cyclist at speeds up to 30mph, with even more space required for higher speeds. Similarly, horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles should be given a wide berth of at least two meters when being overtaken at speeds below 10mph.

Pedestrian Safety: Respecting Vulnerable Road Users

In addition to providing adequate space for cyclists, motorcyclists, and horse riders, motorists are also urged to exercise caution and consideration when encountering pedestrians on the road. To ensure the safety of individuals walking along the roadside, drivers should maintain a distance of at least two meters and reduce their speed when passing pedestrians, especially in areas where there is no designated pavement.

By prioritizing the safety and well-being of all road users, including pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and horse riders, we can work together to create a safer and more harmonious environment on our roads. Through increased awareness, adherence to road safety regulations, and mutual respect among all individuals sharing the road, we can help prevent future accidents and ensure the protection of vulnerable road users. Let us all do our part to make our roads safer for everyone.