
Title: Safety Warning Issued by Forth Valley Police Division for Road Users

Forth Valley Police Division has issued a crucial safety warning to all road users in the Wee County, urging them to be vigilant and attentive in light of recent serious injury collisions in the area. This urgent call to action comes following a series of unfortunate incidents that have occurred within the past year, emphasizing the importance of road safety for everyone on the road.

Serious Collisions Prompt Warning

According to Police Scotland, a number of serious injury collisions have taken place in the region, with one particularly alarming incident occurring last February on the A91 between Menstrie and Alva. The collision involved a van and a cyclist, resulting in the 52-year-old male cyclist sustaining severe injuries. He was promptly transported to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh in a “serious but stable” condition, highlighting the devastating consequences of road traffic accidents.

Responsibility of Road Users

In response to these incidents, Forth Valley Police Division took to social media to remind all road users of their responsibility to ensure the safety of vulnerable individuals on the road. The message emphasized that those who have the potential to cause the greatest harm while driving or cycling also have the greatest obligation to minimize the risks they pose to others.

Operation Close Pass and Highway Code

In an effort to promote driving and cycling safety, police have been actively involved in Operation Close Pass, encouraging motorists to adhere to Rule 163 of the Highway Code. This rule stipulates that vehicles must provide adequate space when overtaking motorcyclists, cyclists, horse riders, and horse-drawn vehicles. Specifically, drivers should maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters when overtaking cyclists at speeds up to 30mph, with greater clearance required at higher speeds. Similarly, horse riders and horse-drawn vehicles should be passed with a minimum of two meters of space at speeds below 10mph.

Ensuring Safe Road Practices

In light of these safety guidelines, it is imperative for all road users to exercise caution and consideration while navigating the roadways. By following these protocols and being mindful of vulnerable individuals, we can collectively work towards creating a safer and more harmonious environment for everyone on the road.

As a cyclist myself, I understand the importance of feeling safe while sharing the road with other vehicles. It is crucial for all road users to prioritize safety and respect each other’s space to prevent tragic accidents from occurring. Let’s all do our part to ensure a safe and secure road environment for everyone.